OnePlus has released the oneplus Nord CE mobile as the latest in the mid-range. This phone comes with a Snapdragon 750 g5 processor. This mobile is said to be competitive with the Samsung F42, but comes with better specifications than the F42 as well as the One Plus Oxygen OS which is another advantage
This mobile comes with a triple camera set up
The main camera comes with 64 megapixels, 8 megapixel wide angle, 2 mega pixel depth camera, as well as the front 16 megapixel camera. 4K videos can be recorded with the main camera as well as full HD videos with the front camera.
This mobile comes with a 6.43 inches full HD screen with 90Hz refresh rate and Fluid AMOLED screen.
It comes with Oxygen OS 11 along with Android 11 operating system
It supports Bluetooth version five point one (5.1) and comes with a Type C port. Supports 30 Watt fast charging. It has 4,500 mAH battery
It comes with a total of three variants 6GB 128GB as well as 8gb 128gb as well as 12GB 256GB
Bees variant price 22,999 also 1000 cash back in Oneplus website, 500 cashback in Amazon,
It will be available on Amazon from June 16th