Samsung launches new Galaxy M42 mobile. This mobile is powered by a Snapdragon 750 G processor. Galaxy M42 mobile support 5G is the first budget 5G mobile from Samsung. This phone has Quad camera setup the main camera has 48 megapixel with single take feature. 8
Megapixel Ultra Wide Angle, 5 megapixel micro sensor, and 5 megapixel depth sensor. 20 Megapixel selfie camera. Galaxy M42 50 runs the latest Android 11, based on one UI 3.1.This phone has two variants 6gb RAM 128 Internal and 8GB Ram 128 Internal memory. Galaxy M42 has 6.6 inch HD plus super amoled display. It has 5000 mAH battery supports 15 watt
charger Desi Desi rent right base variant prices ,and 8 GB variant price 23,999 this phone . Phone supports samsung pay.sales via Amazon check the link below
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